Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The internet is good for alot of things like searching for test answers or searching how to bake a chocolate cake the internet has it all. It can take a regular person and turn them into internet celebrities in a fraction of hours. Well one of my favorite videos is the Sharkisha fight video, if you have not been living under a rock with Patrick star then you know who Sharkisha is. Sharkisha is a African american girl that became famous under a video posted on world star hip hop. The video consisted of sharkisha being in a argument with another African american female and eventually Sharkisha gets mad and losses it punching the girl in the face. You can hear the sound of the skin as Sharkishas hand hits the girls face she later continues on to trowing her onto the ground and kicking her. All while Sharkishias friends scream Sharkisha don't kick her! Sharkisha don't!! and that video was hilarious and i got a kick out of it.

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